We love to share our passion and drive with others. That is why last week we welcomed Probus Club 'De Vrije Heeren' to our location in Nieuw-Vennep, where our CEO and founder Maro Dedel introduced them to our world of robotics and automation.
The gentlemen first received an introduction about the DERO GROEP, followed by a tour through our company. This gave them a look behind the scenes at some of our manufacturing machines and they were introduced to several of our robot installations being built. Maro noted: "It is inspiring to see that robotics and automation excites people of all ages, including those with years of life experience!"
Probus Clubs are friendship clubs for (semi-)retired people aged 55 and older. Probus comes from Professional and Business and the clubs consist of members who have held socially responsible positions and who each value meeting each other regularly from a personal, intellectual and social background. Mutual support, expansion of knowledge, interest and insight and relaxation are binding elements.
// P. Mulder - Synergy Food //
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We are proud of our driving forces. We get our teeth into challenges and only let go when we have met them.
We are a driven team that has a solution for everything. If the solution is not at hand, we come up with one ourselves. Because no matter what, we always make sure it works.
Luzernestraat 77
2153 GM Nieuw-Vennep
The Netherlands
+31 252 622500
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